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Welcome to DentaSports

At Denta Sport, our mission to provide all customers with everything they need to protect them from the risk of injuries to the face and jaws in their various sports adventure, through a team of dentists in different specialties.

You are 1 feet away of protecting Your sport's future

How to get our Services

Book a consultation with the doctor to conduct an examination of your teeth, make the necessary x-rays and take impressions of your teeth

You will be explained what you need to improve your oral health and protection and the duration of treatment, including alternative treatment.

Then will make your special teeth protector

Book now

Why You choose DentaSports?

  1. Because it was founded by a group of dentists in various specialties who are keenly interested in continuing education, lecturing and promoting sports dentistry for dentists, doctors and athletes., Some members of this group have helped in many social and scientific events
  2. Because we help you prevent and treat sports dental injuries. Whether you're working out, playing a competitive sport, or just participating as an amateur, you can make an appointment with us for medical advice and advice. Which helps you to exercise without problems or pain in the teeth or face.
  3. All of these services are offered at reasonable prices, to maintain and prevent healthier and stronger teeth .... to exercise vigorously and actively.

Our services

A periodic dental examination should be performed for the athlete, even if he does not feel pain in the mouth, for the following reasons:
Discover any hidden problems related to the health of the teeth and gums. Treatment of caries in its early stages, sometimes it penetrates inside the teeth without pain. Correct any other underlying health problems, so as not to affect athletic performance

Reservation for a specialized medical consultation

Book a consultation with the doctor to conduct an examination of your teeth, make the necessary x-rays and take impressions of your teeth

Get your treatment plan

You will be explained what you need to improve your oral health and protection and the duration of treatment, including alternative treatment.

Start the treatment plan and get a dental protector

و الحصول على واقى الأسنان و المتابعة الدورية  
Then will make your special teeth protector

خيط الأسنان وصحة الرياضيين.

هل حقًا خيط الأسنان له تأثير على أداء الرياضيين؟

يعد استخدام خيط الأسنان إحدى العادات الصحية المهمة للحفاظ على صحة الفم والأسنان. وذلك بجانب غسيل أسن…

أشهر إصابات الفم والأسنان في ملاعب كرة القدم

أشهر إصابات الفم والأسنان في ملاعب كرة القدم

أشهر إصابات الفم والأسنان في ملاعب كرة القدم

كيف تحافظ على أسنانك في شهر رمضان؟

ما هي طرق الحفاظ على الأسنان في شهر رمضان؟

 شهر رمضان هو أحد الشهور الهجرية المهمة للمسلمين. يفرض على المسلمين صيام هذا الشهر المبارك. حيث يمتن…

كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن طب الأسنان الرياضي

What Do You Have to Know About Sports Dentistry?

قسم طب الأسنان الرياضي هو أحدث أقسام طب الأسنان، يدعم الرياضيين وهو منوط برعاية صحة فم وأسنان الرياض…

ما علاقة تسوس الأسنان بالرياضة؟

What is the relationship between tooth decay and sports?

كثيرًا ما يظن الرياضي أن أمراض الأسنان واللثة لا علاقة لها بأدائه الرياضي ، لكن أثبتت الدراسات والأب…

نصائح لصحة أسنان أفضل

6 Simplified Tips for Your Dental Health if You Are Playing Sports

عند ممارسة الرياضة، تحتاج إلى التفكير في تغذيتك. يعتمد النجاح في ألعاب الرياضية على تلقي التدريب الم…


You can get to know us through our articles on this website, or review the Frequently Asked Questions section.. You can also visit us in the clinic through the address below.

What is the relationship between dental and sports? Does it have an effect on exercise?

Studies have proven that there are direct relationships between oral health and the general health of the athlete, and how oral problems affect his performance, there are many examples such as the Dutch player Robin or the Italian Spinazzola, and other athletes who were suffering from tooth decay or infections in the gums, these infections exist In the oral cavity, it can transfer bacteria through the blood circulation from the mouth to the muscles of the body, causing a lack of oxygen to the muscle. , and thus increases the chances of muscle strains, convulsions, and even muscle tears.” There are many injuries that occur to athletes caused by infections in the mouth, teeth, or even the jaws, and they can only be discovered after doing the necessary examinations within a comprehensive medical examination, The athletes underwent it. Through this examination, we can detect and treat many problems in their early stages, thus reducing the time spent attending the dental clinic to treat any problems that may arise in the future that may affect the athlete’s performance as well as during the competition.

Who is most prone to sports injuries to the mouth and jaw area?

In many sports (eg weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, handball, football, cycling) the risk of injury or tooth loss is particularly high. In the case of high-risk sports, a sports mouthguard (mouthguard) should always be worn.

Accordion item 1

Is it necessary for the athlete to wear a mouth guard for teeth?

Yes, when it comes to protecting your mouth, studies confirm that the dental mouthguard is the piece that must be part of your basic equipment from an early age in order to prevent injuries during exercise. Practitioners of trauma sports (combat games) are the most dangerous to the mouth, such as boxers, they are more than recommended to wear it as an essential piece of their sports equipment, as any athlete who is exposed to injury to the teeth and tongue also may need it, such as football and basketball.

الممارسين لرياضات الصدمات  (الألعاب القتالية ) هم الأكثر خطورة على الفم مثل الملاكمين هم أكثر من يُنصح لهم بارتدائه كقطعة أساسية من معداتهم الرياضية كما قد يحتاجه أي رياضي معرض لإصابة في الأسنان و اللسان أيضاً مثل كرة القدم و كرة السلة .

How do I start my treatment and periodic follow-up?

In simple steps, an appointment is booked for the examination by filling in data on the website or through the phone call to book an appointment. During the examination, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination of your teeth, to develop a treatment plan and to ensure the health and safety of your teeth before starting to manufacture the mouthguard.

As an Athlete, Why do you choose our clinic?

Some good reasons.

Special Dentists

Because it was founded by a group of dentists in various specialties who are keenly interested in continuing education, lecturing and promoting sports dentistry for dentists, doctors and athletes., Some members of this group have helped in many social and scientific events

Ease of handling

Because we help you prevent and treat sports dental injuries. Whether you're working out, playing a competitive sport, or just participating as an amateur, you can make an appointment with us for medical advice and advice. Which helps you to exercise without problems or pain in the teeth or face.

Good Prices

All of these services are offered at reasonable prices, to maintain and prevent healthier and stronger teeth .... to exercise vigorously and actively.

Call us

At Denta Sport, our mission to provide all customers with everything they need to protect them from the risk of injuries to the face and jaws in their various sports adventure, through a team of dentists in different specialties.
