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What Do You Have to Know About Sports Dentistry?

The Sports Dentistry is the newest dental department that supports athletes and is engaged in the care of the oral and dental health of athletes to achieve peak performance. An athlete's health, including oral and dental health, should be maintained in order to enhance their athletic abilities. In this article, we will address the importance of sports dentistry, the types of dental injuries, and the dentists’ recommendations.

What is the importance of sports dentistry?

Sports dentistry deals with the prevention and treatment of any diseases or injuries to the mouth and teeth of athletes during their training that can affect their performance.

Athletes are more likely to have oral and dental illnesses or injuries. A research study of 399 athletes during the 2012 Olympic cycle showed that about 55.1% of athletes had tooth decay, while about 44.6% had tooth corrosion. About 76% were also found to suffer from gum disease. 40% of athletes explained the negative impact of neglecting oral health.

What types of oral and dental injuries affect athletes?

There are injuries that affect an athlete as a result of friction, such as a broken lower or upper jaw, broken teeth, torn muscles, or jaw joint injuries. Injuries are not only injuries as a result of friction but also other injuries to the teeth, such as erosion and decay of the teeth or dry mouth as a result of intense breathing during exercise, as a result of which less protection is granted by mouth saliva.

Athletes usually have sports drinks and energy-rich candy bars during workouts and competitions. The high levels of sugar found in these products increase the risk of decay and acidity resulting from them and raise the likelihood of tooth corrosion. Several studies confirm that poor oral health in athletes may affect sleep and thus affect performance.

وهناك دراسات وأبحاث تؤكد على أن سوء الصحة الفموية لدى الرياضيين قد يؤثر على النوم وبالتالي يؤثر على الأداء يمكن لميل بعض الرياضيين إلى تقليل الوقت الذي يمضونه في التدريب.

Complications of tooth decay

Several studies in sports dentistry have found that oral and dental health are linked to overall health, highlighting the importance of dental health care. Several studies have indicated that the presence of gingivitis and a lack of attention to oral and dental hygiene is a dangerous factor for clots, as oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause many clots, such as stroke.

Research on the relationship of decay and gum infections with cardiovascular disease has also shown that oral and inflammatory gums may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease about three times for the average person, and bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause vascular wall infections.

Several studies have been conducted on the relationship of oral health to the respiratory tract and have indicated the risk of bacteria entering the airway in cases of neglecting oral and dental health, causing pneumonia or shortness of breath.

What types of dental safeguard?

Dental safeguards aid in the preservation of teeth and the protection of jaw bones and teeth.There are two types: sports and night safeguards. Sports dental safeguards are designed to protect athletes from sports-related injuries, while night dental safeguards are designed to help place the jaw in a way that relieves stress and protects your teeth from grinding, thus feeling comfortable and relieving pain. They also reduce snoring and relieve sleep apnea, providing protection and helping you get good sleep at night. Sports dental safeguards reduce the risk of trauma to the face and teeth.

بالإضافة إلى العلاج الترميمي للحصول على مظهر وملمس طبيعي ، وعلاج لب الأسنان (جذور الأسنان) من التلف الممتد إلى العصب، وعلاج التعويضات السنية مثل حشوات السيراميك، والتيجان والجسور والفينير، وعلاج دواعم السن. وأيضًا الإجراءات التجميلية على سبيل المثال تبييض الأسنان.

What kinds of sports require a dental safeguard?

تساعد واقيات الفموية (بالإنجليزية: mouth guards) في الحفاظ على الأسنان وحماية عظام الفك والأسنان. يوجد نوعان من واقيات الأسنان وهما واقي الأسنان الرياضي وواقي الأسنان الليلي، لكل واحدة منهم وظيفة.

It is recommended to use mouthguards when exercising with increased contact with other players or on hard surfaces. Anyone playing basketball, wrestling, football, figure skating, martial arts, or recreational sports such as snowboarding and cycling should wear a mouthguard when participating in these games.

ما هي أنواع الرياضة التي تتطلب واقي الفم؟

يوصى باستخدام واقيات الفم عند ممارسة الرياضة مع زيادة الاحتكاك باللاعبين الآخرين أو على الأسطح الصلبة. يجب على أي شخص يلعب كرة السلة والمصارعة وكرة القدم والتزلج على الجليد وفنون الدفاع عن النفس والرياضات الترفيهية مثل التزلج على الجليد وركوب الدراجات ارتداء واقي الفم عند المشاركة في هذه الألعاب.

يوجد الواقي الفموي للأسنان القابل للتكيف، والواقي الفموي للأسنان مخصصة للشخص، والواقي الفموي للأسنان الجاهز مسبق الصنع.

Dentists’ Recommendations

1. Use of dental guards.

2. Periodic check-up on teeth

3. early treatment of any oral lesion.

4. dental care and hygiene.

Since exercise has become important in our daily lives and has a positive impact on our health, sports dentistry has a role in preventing and treating the injuries and infections that could affect your performance. But on the other hand, taking care of your health, including oral and dental health is important for maintaining athletes performance.


  1. Wurzbach Parkway Family Dental.
  2. FDI World dental federation.
  3. Healthline.
  4. Cleveland Clinic
  5. NCBI.

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